Monday, August 31, 2009
Friday, August 14, 2009
If I were a painter, perhaps I’d have ready language to describe the colors of the peach compote cooling in the glass jars on my kitchen counter. But all I can say is that I love the translucent shades of orange, the lighter chunks of fruit suspended against the deeper shades of thick liquid nectar.
The anticipation I wrote about earlier this spring -- as I admired the deep pink flowers in early May, counted the swelling buds that became small globes later that month, and saw the growing and ripening fruit time we entered or left our front door -- is over. Now the peaches are ripening all at once, and it's time to eat.
I came home Tuesday evening from five days away to find two or three dozen “drops” that Richard had sitting on the counter. These weren’t in the best shape, so I cut away the spoiled parts and simmered the rest into compote. Most of it went into the freezer to be spooned over vanilla yogurt or ice cream, or eaten as is, some time in late winter when 80 degree days seem a distant memory. Some we ate while it was still warm. The rest went into my breakfast smoothie the next day.
Last night, I picked several dozen more peaches. The best went into a bowl for eating – minus the one eaten right off the tree. It was perfect: sweet, juicy, and still warm from the heat of the day although it was already dusk. The rest of the harvest was simmered down into more compote and frozen. I use only a small amount of water (just enough to cover the bottom of the saucepan) and no additional sugar; tree-ripened peaches are sweet enough. 10-15 minutes of simmering, and it's done.
This process will be repeated over the next several days with the fruit remaining on the tree. By the end of the weekend, the peach tree will probably be empty, we’ll have eaten as many peaches as we could, and 6-8 quarts of peach compote will be waiting on the freezer shelf.
As the tree matures, the yield will increase. And then there’s the second peach tree we plan to plant comes fall. I figure we can never have too many reminders of warm August days to carry us through the long winter. After this year, though, I’ll likely turn to canning the peaches instead. And with the sealed Mason jars readily visible, perhaps I’ll find the language to adequately describe those lovely colors.
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Mid-Summer Beauty
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Help is Everywhere

Ladybug, ladybug, fly away home
Your house is on fire, your children are gone.
I have no idea where this well-known children’s nursery rhyme originated, but we love having ladybugs hanging around our garden. They are voracious eaters of aphids and other soft-bodied insect pests. They lay their eggs in yellow egg masses on the bottom of leaves, and their children (larvae) eat aphids as voraciously as their parents.
This morning, Richard noticed a huge colony of aphids on the tips of the mustard stalks. I had been planning to cut out the mustard anyway. It had gone to seed, so it’s flowers no longer served to attract predator insects, and it was shading the small carrots growing beneath. I quickly grabbed my garden scissors, and tossed the aphid-laden stalks into a weak bleach-and-water solution. Aphids gone.
After doing so, I noticed the two lady bugs sitting on the mint and dill leaves nearby. They, too, had found the aphids. Lady beetles can consume hundreds of aphids per day. This makes them a popular biological control, not only in gardens, but in warm, humid greenhouses where aphids can be a particular problem. Growers who prefer not to continuously spray insecticides often purchase and release lady bugs to keep aphids, mealy bugs, mites and other pests under control. It’s not particularly effective to do that in a home garden; they will likely just fly away. Instead, we leave some flowering “weeds” such as Queen Anne’s Lace (wild carrot), dandelions and yarrow, along with the mint the dill, whose pollen-bearing flowers attract them to visit.

Those two lady beetles probably would have finished off the colony before we got home from work. I was sorry to have destroyed their meal, and I hope there are other aphid colonies that we haven’t yet found to keep them around. It was a good reminder that in a healthy ecosystem (like a healthy social system), help is everywhere, if we but think to notice.
Photos from Wikipedia.
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Never too many zucchini
The temperatures finally rose above 80 degrees F, and the summer squash has taken off. This past week, I worked late two evenings and forgot to keep close tabs. The inevitable happened. Thursday evening, I found two 2 lb. zucchinis.
Every food gardener knows the litany of jokes: the gardener who slips out in the dead of night to slip a zucchini or two into the passenger seat of parked cars, the rural town where people lock their houses and cars only during zucchini season. In her wonderful poem, "Attack of the Squash People," Marge Piercy writes, in part:
They're coming, they're on us
the long striped gourds ….
Recite fifty zucchini recipes!
Zucchini tempura; creamed soup;
sauté with olive oil and cumin,
tomatoes, onion; frittata;
casserole of lamb; baked
topped by cheese; marinated; stuffed; stewed; driven
through the heart like a stake. ....
Sneak out before dawn to drop
them in other people's gardens,
in baby buggies at church doors.
Shot, smuggling zucchini into
mailboxes, a federal offense. ....*
The old stand-by, zucchini bread, barely uses a cup of shredded squash, two at most.
Then I found a recipe for yellow squash soup in a magazine, adapted it to zucchini, and my problem was solved. It’s delicious, uses up LOTS of squash, can be served hot or chilled, and best of all, freezes well, without losing its texture or taste. Zucchini, at its summer peak, can lead to choruses of “not again.” Zucchini soup, during the cold, dark winter months, is deeply appreciated. We froze 12 quarts of zucchini soup last year, and it was gone long before the spring thaw, leaving us wishing for more.
Now we never have too many zucchini. That's good, since we have five zucchini plants this year, including a extremely healthy "volunteer" (at right; the zucchini is the bushy plant with the darkest green leaves, growing among the trailing winter squash and the climbing pole beans).
Here’s the recipe. Quantities are approximate as soups are very forgiving. I rarely measure and often substitute ingredients, depending on what I have available. Increase proportionately if you have more than 2 lbs. of zucchini.
Never-too-many zucchini soup
1-2 Tbsp olive oil
1 large onion (or equivalent scallions), chopped
3-4 cloves garlic (or garlic scapes in season), chopped
1 small leek, if available (otherwise omit, and increase onion)
Approx. 2 lbs of zucchini, coarsely chopped
Approx. 3-4 cups chicken broth
Thyme, several fresh sprigs, or 1-2 tsps dry
Lemon balm, handful of leaves, chopped (or some lemon zest)
Dash of red pepper
2-3 Tbsp lemon juice
Parmesan cheese
Pine nuts (or chopped walnuts)
In a good soup pot, heat the olive oil. Sauté the onions, garlic and leek, stirring, until onions are translucent. Add the zucchini and herbs, and sauté for another 5 minutes or so. Add enough chicken broth to just about cover the zucchini (less if you like your soup thicker, more if you like it thinner. Usually, I start on the side of “less” and add more broth at the end if I need.) Simmer, stirring, for 10-15 minutes, until the zucchini softens.
In a blender (with a tight cover), puree the soup in batches. Add the lemon juice. Add more chicken broth if you want a thinner soup.
If you’re saving the soup for winter, let cool and freeze. (I use plastic containers or 1 qt. zip-lock freezer bags.) Otherwise, reheat after pureeing or refrigerate to serve cold.
When you’re ready to serve, sprinkle about 1-2 Tbsp grated parmesan cheese and some pine nuts or walnuts on top (more or less depending on taste).
This soup is surprising filling. With some fresh bread, corn muffins, or pasta, it makes a light, but satisfying meal. As a main course, this recipe will serve 2-3 people. As a "first course" or side, it should serve 4-6.
The first two quarts of this soup just went into the freezer, leaving just enough for two bowls for lunch. I'm off to partake.